  • Commuter – $460.00
  • Private Room: Single – $660.00
  • Private Room: Couple – $1,210.00
  • Junior Suite: Single – $800.00
  • Junior Suite: Couple – $1,400.00

Date & Time Details: Friday, November 1 (check in 3-6 PM; program starts 4:45 PM) until Sunday, November 3 (checkout 1 PM)

Location: Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing

Address: 191 Cragsmoor Road, Cragsmoor, New York 12566, USA

Contact: [email protected]

Check-in Time: 3 PM – 6 PM

Per Person Price: Prices are all inclusive of teachings, accommodations and meals.

  • Commuter – $440
  • Private Room (shared bath): Single – $660
  • Private Room (shared bath): Couple – $605
  • Junior Suite (private bath): Single – $800
  • Junior Suite (private bath): Couple – $700

To extend your stay on Personal Retreat: Simply add days before or after the program during step 2 when making your reservation.

Cancellation Policy: Refundable up to two weeks prior to the program (less a $50 processing fee). See our policy to learn more.

A Mindful Life Retreat

With Jean Vitrano

November 1 - 3, 2024


Are you yearning for a weekend to take the tools you practice in A Mindful Life to a deeper level? Join Jean Vitrano and the A Mindful Life community for an immersive mindfulness retreat, putting to work the tools needed to live with more presence, ease, and joy. With an emphasis on slowing down, this time away will allow for plenty of rest and space to meditate, listen, share, and remember what matters to you within a warm, supportive community of individuals.

“I am deeply grateful to Jean for her gentle, wise, rich, vulnerable guidance and tender hand she leads with. Curiosity is the path to peace!”


This weekend retreat will offer you precious space and time to be yourself, get quiet, and cultivate greater awareness, self-kindness and compassion. In this supportive environment, you will practice being mindful of what is alive in you through reflective exercises and meditations. You will strengthen your ability to stay in the present moment, aware of how you speak and listen, how you move, what you consume, where your mind goes, and what seeds you water. This is your time away to cultivate stillness, embrace your true self and be in community. You will bring home a greater connection to yourself and to the community. It will help to cultivate greater presence and the ability to slow down and savor. It will also deepen your commitment to your practice.


We ask that cell phones are turned off for the weekend.

Please bring something to share at our community sharing event on Saturday night (poetry, art, stories, music, movement, art, etc.). While this is optional, it does create a wonderful evening of connection!


  • Intimate setting with personal access to the teacher
  • Interactive sessions with question and answer periods
  • Delicious all-vegetarian meals with locally sourced ingredients
  • Option to extend stay on Personal Retreat
  • Extensive library of dharma books
  • Expansive wooded grounds with beautiful paths, flora and fauna


The retreat is exclusively for participants in Jean’s A Mindful Life groups online or at her Maplewood studio. It will be limited to approximately 22 people, with 4 additional commuter spaces available. Spots are expected to fill quickly.


(subject to change)

Friday, November 1

3:00-4:30 PM Check in begins
4:45-5:45 PM Welcome and Introduction
6:00-7:00 PM Dinner
7:15-8:45 PM Session 1: Guided Meditation
Group Practice
8:45 PM Noble Silence begins until after lunch

Saturday, November 2

7:20-7:50 AM Silent Meditation (optional)
8:00-9:00 AM Breakfast (maintaining Noble Silence)
9:15-11:30 AM Session 2: Guided Meditation
Group Practice
11:30 AM-12:00 PM Personal Time (maintaining Noble Silence)
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch (maintaining Noble Silence)
1:30-2:30 PM Walking Meditation
3:00-4:30 PM Session 3: Meditation
Group Practice
Deep Relaxation (optional until 4:55)
4:30-6:00 PM Personal Time (maintaining Noble Silence)
6:00-7:00 PM Dinner
7:15-8:30 PM Community sharing (music, poetry, stories, art, movement)
8:30 PM Noble Silence begins until after breakfast

Sunday, November 3

7:20-7:50 AM Silent Meditation (optional)
8:00-9:00 AM Breakfast (maintaining Noble Silence)
9:15-11:30 AM Session 4: Guided Meditation
Group Practice
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Checkout and Departure



Jean Vitrano
Jean Vitrano integrates her 25+ years of training in mindfulness practices, meditation, movement, and body therapies to assist individuals in living with greater awareness, ease, and joy. With an emphasis on discovering your own insight, Jean invites curiosity,​ ​kindness, and compassion in everyone who seeks to live a mindful life. Understanding that we all discover our inner wisdom, in our own time, she creates safe communities for people to explore,​​ listen, and share.​​ ​Through meditation and reflective questions and exercises, Jean invites you to pause, sense, and observe your thought and feeling patterns. Jean studied with the late Buddhist Zen…
Learn more about Jean Vitrano
Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road

Cragsmoor, New York 12566

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Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road Cragsmoor, New York 12566

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© 2019 Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing. All rights reserved