These Sunday morning programs begin with a discussion of a Tibetan Buddhist text, followed by sitting meditation and compassion practice, which help participants nurture their inner strength and grow spiritually. This free program is open to the public and suitable for all; you may join for one or both sessions.
Streaming Live from the Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing
Offered Online: Milarepa, Tibet’s renowned and beloved enlightened master, was known for teaching through the medium of song and poetry. This weekend program will trace the story of his life, accompanied by many of his songs and additional commentary by Rinpoche, who is considered an emanation of Milarepa.
Milarepa, Tibet’s renowned and beloved enlightened master, was known for teaching through the medium of song and poetry. This weekend program will trace the story of his life, accompanied by many of his songs and additional commentary by Rinpoche, who is considered an emanation of Milarepa.
At the cusp of summer, leave the pressures of your normal life and immerse yourself in the tranquil environment of our Center. Focus on yourself and your practice, spending a long weekend on personal retreat under the guidance of a retreat master, enjoying the solitude of the Center—and delicious vegetarian cuisine. Just be.
This intensive retreat will be an exceptional opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience of development-stage sadhana practice, and includes teachings on a range of relevant topics, as well as an empowerment.
Monlam means a way to give voice to and realize our highest aspirations. We will gather over these four days to harness, focus, and direct the natural power of our own minds, and invoke the power of the reality of interdependence, concluding with a Saga Dawa celebration.
Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until May 5, 2025.
What is the best way to meditate? Is it the same thing as mindfulness? What are the practical benefits? In an easy-to-digest approach we will discuss the many concepts and meditation practices in Buddhism and how they form an interlocking and cohesive spiritual path toward greater awareness.
Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until May 3, 2025.
Over the long holiday weekend, leave the pressures of your normal life and immerse yourself in the tranquil environment of our Center. Focus on yourself and your practice, spending a long weekend on personal retreat, enjoying the solitude of the Center, the cool breezes on our beautiful woods trails—and our delicious vegetarian cuisine. Just be.
Book now and get $100.00 off listed prices. Offer valid until May 8, 2025.
Dive deep into the innermost chambers of your heart in order to uncover your Soul’s inherent nature, purpose, and path in this lifetime. Guided by Vedaji, a lifelong yogi raised as a monk, you will learn strategies to uncover your truth and discover the beauty of what lies within. Using techniques derived from the ancient traditions of Bhakti yoga and Vedanta (self-inquiry), you will be guided on a path to help reveal your true nature in order to live a more purpose-filled life.
Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until Jul 7, 2025.
Before launching into the chaos of fall, pause for a weekend of communal silence; it provides the opportunity to be present with yourself and the opening to mindfully observe and release the thoughts and emotions that arise.
In Discovering the Dharma II, H.E. Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche offers key Buddhist teachings on meditation, karma, dependent origination, death and rebirth, and emptiness over five days of engaged learning and guided practice. With guided meditation, Tibetan yoga, Q&A.
Feeling besieged by noise and clatter? Travel through the doorway of silence, to the peace of present moment awareness, when you spend four days in peaceful meditation and self-reflection surrounded by the peak foliage in the beautiful Hudson Valley.
Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until Sep 26, 2025.
In this season of giving thanks and expressing gratitude, leave the pressures of your normal life and immerse yourself in the tranquil environment of our Center. Focus on yourself and your practice, spending five nights on personal retreat under the guidance of a retreat master, enjoying the solitude of the Center—and delicious vegetarian cuisine. Just be.
Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until Nov 25, 2025.
Ring in the New Year from a calm, centered place, by leaving the pressures of your normal life and immersing yourself in the tranquil environment of our Center for a 6-night Personal Retreat. This is a time to focus on yourself and your practice.
Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road Cragsmoor, New York 12566