Events with Tulku Sherdor
June 4 - 8, 2025
A Retreat with Tulku Sherdor Exploring Two-Stage Yoga Practice RETREAT BY INVITED PRESENTER This intensive retreat will be an exceptional opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience of development-stage sadhana practice; it includes teachings on a range of relevant topics, as well as an empowerment. “A wonderful, peaceful supportive environment in which to fully express my practice.” DUAL PROGRAM: Pair with the 18th Annual Rimay Monlam, led by Tulku Sherdor, June 8-11, and save 10% off your accommodations. REGISTER HERE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION We have asked Tulku Sherdor to help us unpack and deepen our understanding of sadhana practice and the creation and…
June 8 - 11, 2025
A Tibetan Buddhist Non-sectarian Convocation to Promote Peace, Harmony and Health Throughout the World RETREAT BY INVITED PRESENTER Monlam means a way to give voice to and realize our highest aspirations. It is a collective and personal spiritual mission statement. We will gather over these four days to harness, focus, and direct the natural power of our own minds, and invoke the power of the reality of interdependence through prayers and recitations. The positive energy, clarity, and love generated through this gathering has inspired attendees year after year, and they have taken this energy back into their lives and activities…