
Stephan W. Kolbert

In 2012, Stephan co-founded Upper West Side Yoga and Wellness, a neighborhood yoga studio in NYC, with his spouse, Ingrid A. Marcroft. Stephan is a native Upper West Sider, an educator, Certified Yoga Teacher (E-RYT500), and Urban Zen Integrative Therapist who uses yoga, Reiki, aromatherapy, nutritional and contemplative counseling, and Thai Bodywork with his clients. He has spent over three decades working with diverse populations: from the homeless and incarcerated to the economically secure, from children to seniors, including end-of-life care. He holds an MA in Counseling and Guidance from NYU and a BS from Ithaca College.


Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road

Cragsmoor, New York 12566

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Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road Cragsmoor, New York 12566

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