
Heather Berg

Heather Berg, a certified Yoga, meditation, and Buteyko Breathing Method Instructor based in South Florida, has been exploring various ancient yoga and meditation traditions since 1991. In 2012, she began teaching full-time, creating holistic yoga sessions. Heather is dedicated to fostering self-awareness in her clients, encouraging them to become discerning practitioners capable of integrating information independently. Leading private and group classes, including Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Yoga Nidra, and Stand-Up Paddleboard yoga, she is a sought-after instructor at festivals, corporate events, therapy groups, and retreats worldwide. Introduced to the Buteyko Breathing method in 2020, Heather pursued training with Dr Buteyko’s protégé, Patrick McKeown. Now she infuses this functional breath practice, witnessing positive transformations in her own health as well as among her clients. Heather also developed the corporate wellness program “Practice to Pause,” leveraging evidence-based mindfulness tools for enhanced well-being. Heather prioritizes listening to individual goals and circumstances, guiding others to thrive through the transformative combination of movement, breathwork, and meditation.

Learn more about Heather at www.soulgardenyoga.com.

Events with Heather Berg

Journey Within 2.0 Silent Retreat
October 23 - 27, 2024

RETREAT BY INVITED PRESENTER For many, the thought of a silent retreat provokes one question: Why? People find the concept intriguing, but are dubious that they would be able to sustain the silence. Yet, once they take the leap they discover the powerful benefits: a break from technology and the bombardment of sound, a retreat from busy lives, the respite of deep silence. Join us to reflect, get still, and listen to the voice of your Soul. “Anne Sussman is approachable, inspiring and illuminating as a teacher. She is a lighthouse and a safe space. I feely lucky and honored…

Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road

Cragsmoor, New York 12566

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Dharmakaya Center For Wellbeing
191 Cragsmoor Road Cragsmoor, New York 12566

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© 2019 Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing. All rights reserved